Since the digital revolution a change has been observed in the consumer's media & entertainment consumption habits. With access to digital content in real time, such as e-books and videos, life has completely changed for
the modern consumer. With changing consumption patterns, it’s time for media & entertainment to go ahead with creative and innovative IT strategies to keep a track on the changing consumer behavior, and deliver content in real-time for better engagement and conversions.

Technology has revolutionized how governments work and
communicate with the people globally. Citizens can connect &
interact, gain access to information with ease, in a more secure and reliable environment. In the midst of globalization and
emerging technologies, government officials are exploring
new ways of connecting with the citizens.
Utility Billing
User Registration and Card Issuance Systems
Scheme and Grant Registration Systems
Grant Disbursement System
Permit and Licensing Software
Web Portal / Website Development
Grievance Redressal System
HR and Payroll Systems
Tax Management Software
Tender Management Software
Institute Management Systems
Attendance Management Systems
Application Management Software
Accounting & Finance Systems
Project Management Software
How PxITBS Delivers Value to
e-Governance is how government interacts with citizens (G2C), businesses (G2B), employees (G2E) and between the departments / ministries (G2G), thus boosting quality of services and management of resources to ensure convenience and transparency within the system. With improved technological capabilities, the different processes and infrastructure governing the government institutions will be streamlined, thus maximizing productivity and operational efficiency.
Information dissemination: Information dissemination is the key to success of governance, as it ensures relevant information reaches the citizens.
Data Collection & Authentication: Every Government bases its policy on data, if the data collection and authentication part is handled the authorities can take effective policy decision.
Analytics & Data Management: Orchestrate business insights and make informed decisions with a brilliant combination of process, analytics and data.
Cloud Solutions: Redefine processes and models that help administer public services to offer more collaborative environment which helps optimize use of resources.
Infrastructure Management: Managed service strategy to meet your requirements and end goals, which will drive in engagement and citizen satisfaction, thus improving the workforce productivity.
Enterprise Networks: Drive in efficiency with infrastructure & business service sharing.
Mobility Solutions: Increase cross agency collaboration, productivity, and reduce the overall costs with streamlined processes and able mobile strategy.​